Friday, March 4, 2016

Cookie Mania!

It’s that time of year again. The time where your doorbells are ringing non-stop and you see those rainbow colored boxes everywhere. It’s Girl Scout cookie season and it’s back in full force. The Lemonades, Thanks-A lot’s and Thin Mints are everywhere. Teachers at my school are selling boxes left and right for their daughters and nieces. Neighbor girls come knocking at your door trying to sell as many boxes as they can. My dad even bought a whole case full of cookies from his friend. The cookie frenzy has begun and there’s no slowing it down.
As a former Girl Scout, I know the struggle of trying to sell as many boxes as you can. The cookies are extremely popular but there are so many girls out there selling just like you. You would ask someone and the typical response is “I already bought some from my niece/ daughter/ friend/ neighbor/ all of the above. I always had certain people I could sell to but getting to my goal for boxes sold was always very difficult. It can be frustrating but it does help you learn many things about marketing and money.
You learn how to count and collect money. Also, it teaches you how to market your product and ways to sell them. I was a very shy child back then but since I had to go out and talk to people and sell my products it really helped me break out of my shell. I was able to understand the professional world and the workings of business. You develop a lot of people skills and are able to understand the world around you more. Selling Girl Scout cookies isn’t just fun, it’s also a learning experience.

So no matter what your favorite cookie is, just know you are helping tons of little girls learn new things and raise money for their troop. All the money they raise is used to do trips, service projects and volunteering. Every time you buy a cookie you’re not just helping one little girl, you are helping the entire community. So buy some great cookies and help those little girls and yourself.
Word count: 360

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