Friday, January 8, 2016


Nicknames are the fun, shortened, or just random names that we give people to be more affectionate. Most nicknames are fun and nice but sometimes people use them to be mean. Usually though, they are just fun ways to identify your friends. Most, if not all people in the world have some sort of nickname.
Some nicknames come from stories you don’t even remember but it stuck. My nickname is Caitiebird. I got it when I was a baby because apparently I made bird noises and tweeted all the time. My dad took my name, Caitlin, and combined it with bird and got Caitiebird. It’s kind of embarrassing to think about but I love my nickname because it came from my family. It showed that they care about me. My dad also calls me baby doll which makes me feel even more loved. It shows that I am his little girl and he will always love me.
Some nicknames come from accidents. My friend Shelby got her nickname Swilliams, from a messed up font on a sweatshirt. Her last name is Williams and her first initial is S. she got both on the back of a sweatshirt and they were so close together they looked like Swilliams. It was pretty catchy so people called her Swilliams and it has stuck for years. Sometimes she only answers to Swilliams. She absolutely loves her nickname because it’s different way to be identified but also relates to her. I also call her Tooty the turtle because one day she was hiding under a blanket. At one point she arched her back and I told her she looked like a turtle. She was so excited and she yelled “I’m Tooty the turtle!” and it just stuck.
Other nicknames are for more affectionate reasons like babe and honey. My friend Micaylee calls her boyfriend koala because when they hang out she is always hugging him and wrapping her legs around him like a koala. They call each other that because it is something they share and love about each other. It’s a name only they can call each other and it’s very sweet.

So nicknames are a very big part of a teen’s life. It can make them feel really special and loved or bring up a funny memory. It’s special because only certain people call you it. Do you guys have a fun nickname?

Girls CAN Play Sports

Back in the day many people thought that girls shouldn’t play sports because they are too fragile. Then when they did create women’s sports it was only non-contact. Now we have finally figured out that girls are not fragile at all. We play soccer, basketball, and even football and wrestling. There are still people out there who think girls can’t handle playing with boys. I’m the living proof that’s not true.
I’ve been playing soccer with boys for the past 3 years and I’m just as tough, if not tougher than any guy on my team. When I first started I was a little surprised at how aggressive the guys were but I got used to it and now I’m just as aggressive. It really gets on my nerves when people think girls can’t handle playing with boys. We can handle anything that is thrown at us, including a football.
What really gets on my nerves is when people say “you throw like a girl”. I know it’s just a saying that has been used for years but it’s so derogatory and rude. Statements like that are what keep young girls from playing the sports they love. They think that since they are girls they can’t play or do what they want. We have made it seem like being a girl means we are useless. Being a girl means we are strong as hell. We are able to put up with so much and still have a smile on our face.
People need to realize that girls and guys are equals. There are still women in the workforce who are earning less than men who do the same job. It’s not fair or justified. There are so many people in the world who need to figure out that women are amazing and strong. I’m not trying to bash men though. Men are a big necessity in life but it’s not right to treat women like they are less than them. We need to realize everyone is equal whether they are black, white, male, female, young or old. We are all human beings and we have worth. Stop making people feel inferior and worthless. I’ve said it over and over but it needs to be said, none of this is fair and it needs to change. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Everyone needs a best friend in life. That one person who you can laugh with, cry with, tell your secrets to, and just be yourself around. Best friends are the brother/sister you choose. Isn’t the concept of friends kinda weird? We find someone who is as weird as us and say “I like you; we are now going to talk all the time, and spend time together”. It may seem weird but it’s what makes everyone happy.
I just want to do an appreciation post for my best friends Shelby and Micaylee. I’ve been friends with Shelby for almost 8 years and Micaylee for 3. They are the goofiest, weirdest, most caring girls you will ever meet and I love them with every fiber in my body. We may get on each others nerves constantly but we have stuck by each other. There have been fights, but there have been so many more great memories. We drive around at 11 pm, not knowing where we’re going, just driving. We have jam out sessions in my car. We have super deep talks at two AM during sleepovers when none of us want to sleep yet. We have been through it all and I am so grateful to call those girls my best friends and my sisters.
This year I lost a few friends too. For some, it’s very good and better for me that they are out of my life. Don’t ever stay in a relationship or friendship that is toxic to you. People come into your life for a reason, either to teach you a lesson or be a blessing. These past few years I have had a lot of both. The people who have stuck by me through everything are definitely a blessing. A few people came into my life and taught me to be careful who you trust. Not everyone truly cares about you. You will get hurt in life. But these people will only make you stronger.
All in all, friendship is what makes the world go round. I have no idea where I would be in life if I didn’t have my amazing friends. I also have no idea how different I would be if I didn’t learn the lessons I did. I have become a better person because of the people in my life. I am so grateful to everyone who has come into my life, and stayed.


We are all older now and birthday parties at Chuckie cheese do not cut it anymore. Now most teens throw huge parties with drugs and alcohol. I don’t like those kinds of parties. I have never done any of that stuff and I don’t plan on doing it. When I have parties we have a lot of fun without any illegal things happening. Yeah, it may seem cool to drink and smoke crap but it’s not. It is illegal for a reason. I’m going to tell you how I have parties without people getting drunk or high.
First, none of my friends drink or do drugs, so none of us plan on doing it when we have parties. We just plan to have fun. We watch movies, play stupid games, eat food and just talk. The last time I had one, we played twister and heads up, watched minions, and ate tons of junk food. We just enjoyed each other’s company and had the funniest conversations. The best part? We all remember it.
I had a Halloween bon fire and the best thing we did was play truth or dare. It may have gotten a little inappropriate but hey, were all teens. What do you expect? It’s always so fun to play the old classic of truth or dare. You find out things you never knew about your friends and then embarrass them with dumb dares. It also works to get your friends, who like each other, together. I once dared my friends to kiss each other on the cheeks and now they are dating. Truth or dare can help you make great friends, strengthen old friendships, and even create a new relationship.
The biggest thing you need to do is make sure everyone you invite will get along. Every time I have a party I make a list of people to invite, and then run it by my friends. We all make sure we are ok with whoever is on the list and then invite everyone. The worst thing that can happen is someone who no one really gets along with comes and ruins the party. If your friend isn’t going to have fun because someone is there who they really don’t like, why invite them?
What I’m trying to say here is you don’t need to go absolutely crazy when throwing a party. Just get a bunch of great people, some good snacks, a few games, and just have fun.

England, Here I Come!

This summer I will be going out of the country for the first time. I’ll be going to England for a school trip and I am so excited but also nervous. I have never been outside of the country or that far away from my parents. I’m nervous to be without my family in a new place but I know I will have tons of fun with my friends and I will be safe.
I’ll be leaving in June and be gone for a week and a half or two weeks. We fly overnight to England for the first day. We will be going to London for the first 2 days of the trip. We will visit The Strand, Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, and Covent Garden on the first day in London. Day two we will see Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, and Windsor Castle. Day four we will travel to Somerset to see Salisbury Cathedral and Stonehenge. Day five we travel to Bath and Stratford. We will take a tour of Stratford and see the Georgian Squares and visit the Roman Baths. We will tour Stratford, Visit Shakespeare's birthplace and the gardens at Anne Hathaway's cottage. Day six we will travel to Oxford, take a tour and visit Brasenose College. Then we will head back to London. Day six we will visit the tower of London and ride the London Eye. Then we will fly back home after our amazing trip.
I am so excited to see all the new and different things in England. I have always loved traveling to different places and seeing new things. Now I get to see a completely different culture. I have a friend who has traveled all over and she gave me a few tips on traveling.

  • Sleep on the plane, the time change will kill you if you don’t.
  •  Bring an adaptor so you can plug in electronics. (different country= different outlets)
  • Get a debit card to use so you don’t carry around a ton of cash
  •  Bring a camera and extra batteries.
  • Try new things, like different foods.
  • Bring lots of layers, it will be hot and then it will be cold.

I still can’t believe I’m going to be traveling to England without my parents. It is going to be so fun and exhilarating to see the world.